Center for Science and Communication (formerly know as Science
Park) is an outreach activity established by Savitribai Phule Pune
University (SPPU) in mid-September 2014.
The initiative was taken by Professor Dilip G. Kanhere, after
he joined SPPU as Distinguished Professor.
At present CSEC is located close to University Nursery, Back
side of IUCAA. The center houses more than 500 kits, interactive exhibits,
demonstration experiments and innovative do-it-yourself laboratories
in all the branches of science. The center is conceived so that the
young minds can explore ideas, put them in action and learn
principles of science by experimentation. |
The present focus is
on school children from standard 5-9th. In addition we also conduct
a variety of workshops for various age groups including adults.
Other activities include science popularization programs & nature
trails. |
CSEC has also
developed an Eco-Education Center around a beautiful pond near main
building of SPPU. The center conducts various activities to introduce
students to diversity of flora and fauna in and around pond.
The CSEC is envisaged
to be an educational resource center to be utilized by a number of
schools, colleges, science educators, NGOs etc. We welcome the
public participation in all our activities as volunteers /
contributors / well-wishers, in fact all those who are
Passionate about science. |